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Is the US in Recession Now? Two Prominent Competing Views


Danielle DiMartino Booth has been beating the drums for weeks that the US is in recession and has been since October. No so fast says Jim Bianco. The lead chart shows Booth’s view. Expansions do not die of old age; they are murdered. This has been true for the last 50 years: 2020 = COVID 2008 = Financial Crisis, $145 crude oil 2001 = Tech crash/9/11 1991 = Iraq invaded Kuwait (400% rise in crude) 1982 = 200-year high in interest rates 1980 100-year high in inflation 1974 = Arab Oil Embargo Too many think the economy will either roll over or “pop.” It does not work that way. It does not die of old age. So, all the ... (full story)

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  • Category: Fundamental Analysis