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China’s Port Throughput Continues to Grow; Export Decline Slows Further


Total throughput at China's ports continued to increase in 1Q24, likely because recovering demand in the US and EU boosted container throughput, Fitch Ratings says. China's total cargo throughput rose by 6.1% yoy in 1Q24, supported by foreign trade volume, while container volumes at eight major ports rose by 10%. In addition, the ramp-up of the New Western Land-Sea Corridor increased Guangxi port's volume by 20%, while volumes via the China-Europe Railway rose by 10%. China's exports by value fell by 2% yoy in 1Q24, decelerating from the 3% drop in 4Q23. The decline in exports to ASEAN and the EU slowed to 3% and 7%, ... (full story)

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